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About: Bio


Fashion / Art / Heart

BeJoY is a creative brand with a humanitarian heart.

We have created Art that you can wear! We have teamed up with various artist to bring you the BeJoYuss collection, a work of art that you can wear! Each piece is unique and 50% of the proceeds of our collection goes to umetnostslobodasnaga , a project that helps children from shelters in Belgrade, Serbia, live better lives.We thank and appreciate each artist that has helped us and each person who supports this project.

We create joy full products and support causes that we believe in. 100% of the proceeds of our original BeJoY collection go to the project 'Support Talent' helping young people live their dream. 

​To support the project by buying BeJoY & BeJoYuss fashion items, click here.

To donate directly to the Art.Freedom.Strength. project, click here

To find out more about the shelter, click here.

About: Portfolio


BeJoY je kreativna ideja humanitarnog srca.

Stvorili smo Umetnost koju možete nositi! Udružili smo se sa raznim umetnicima da bismo kreirali kolekciju BeJoYuss, umetničko delo koje možete obući! Svaki komad je jedinstven, a 100% prihoda od naše kolekcije ide za projekat Umetnost.Sloboda.Snaga., kojim pomažemo deci iz Prihvatilišta u Beogradu, da bolje žive. Zahvaljujemo se i cenimo svakog umetnika koji nam je pomogao, i svaku osobu koja podržava ovaj projekat.

Stvaramo proizvode pune radosti i podržavamo pokrete u koje verujemo. 

Sto odsto prihoda od naše originalne BeJoY kolekcije ide za projekat „Podrži talenat“ kojim pomažemo mladim ljudima da ostvare svoj san.

Da biste podržali projekat kupovinom modnih odevnih predmeta BeJoY & BeJoYuss, kliknite ovde.

Da donirate direktno u projekat Umetnost.Sloboda.Snaga. kliknite ovde.

Da biste saznali više o Prihvatilištu, kliknite ovde.

Preuzmite BeJoYuss katalog

Preuzmite BeJoY lookbook

About: Text


The Art.Freedom.Strength. project benefits children from shelters in Serbia. Through curated creative and sports projects we support the children's wellbeing and hope to give them the strength and endurance to live their lives in a healthy and independent way.

Projekat Umetnost.Sloboda.Snaga. je projekat za pomoć deci iz Prihvatilišta za decu, Beograd. Kuriranim kreativnim i sportskim projektima podržavamo dobrobit dece i nadamo se da ćemo im dati snagu i podržati ih da izdrže da žive svoj život na zdrav i nezavisan način.

The goal of the USS project is to help young people in creating a better and more promising future.

Art.Freedom.Strength. is a specifically designed project for children under the age of 18, with poor material and social status, in order to provide them with practical education and skills that will really benefit  them in life.

Through the "Support Talent" program, our goal is to help talented children from Serbia, so that they become masters of their own future, their career, personal development and success. They will be the future ambassadors of our country in the world and the best presenters of knowledge, skills, competence and talent that they have acquired and developed in their own country.

Cilj projekta USS je da pomogne mladima u stvaranju bolje i perspektivnije budućnosti.

Umetnost. Sloboda. Snaga. je specifično dizajniran projekat, za decu uzrasta do 18 godina, sa lošim materijalnim i socijalnim statusom, u nameri da im omogući praktično obrazovanje i veštine koje će im zaista služiti u životu.

Kroz program “Podrži talenat” cilj nam je da pomognemo talentovanoj deci iz Srbije, kako bi oni postali gospodari svoje budućnosti, svoje karijere, razvoja i uspeha. Oni će sutra biti ambasadori naše zemlje u svetu i najbolji prezenteri znanja, umeća, veština i talenata koje su stekli i razvili u svojoj zemlji. 


"Art" - strives to convey the knowledge and skills of useful crafts to children through workshops. Artistic and creative work has been proven to have a therapeutic effect, and children have the opportunity to learn that they can earn a living on their own.

„Umetnost“ – teži da kroz svoje radionice prenese deci znanja i veštine korisnih zanata. Umetnički i kreativni rad, dokazano, imaju terapeutsko dejstvo, a deca imaju priliku da nauče da samostalno mogu da privređuju za sopstveni život.





"Freedom" - a segment intended to lay the foundations in their future. In order to encourage children to use and channel their emotions and moods, we organize dance classes and a multimedia course (where they attend classes in stage movement, acting, directing and creative thinking). To help them communicate and function in today’s world, where everything is done online and in English language, we also organize foreign language classes as well as computer courses.

„Sloboda“ – segment koji je namenjen postavljanju temelja u njihovoj budućnosti. U cilju ohrabrivanja dece da koriste i kanališu svoje emocije i raspoloženje, organizujemo im časove plesa i multimedijalni kurs ( gde pohađaju časove scenskog pokreta, glume, režije i kreativnog mišljenja). Kako bi im pomogli da komuniciraju i funkcionišu u današnjem vremenu, gde se sve radi putem interneta i na engleskom jeziku, mi im organizacijemo časove stranih jezika kao i kurseve kompijutera.




"Strength." - The goal of the program is to promote an active lifestyle of children, studying athletic skills as a basic sport, socialization through spending time with others and entertainment of a recreational nature, acquiring sports culture, work habits and getting used to teamwork.

„Snaga.“ – Cilj programa jeste pospešivanje aktivnog načina života dece, izučavanje atletske veštine kao sportske baze, socijalizacija kroz druženje i zabavu rekreativnog karaktera, sticanje sportske kulture, radnih navika kao i privikavanje na timski rad.




"Support talent" - through this program we strive to support and help gifted children to make the most of their talent. We are aware that actively engaging in any kind of sport, art (music, painting, singing, dancing) or science requires a lot of money, and that despite the enormous desire and talent, not all children have the conditions to make it happen. It is for that very reason that we can together: enable children to be one step closer to realizing their dreams, enable them to attend schools of sports, music and other arts, natural and social sciences, provide children with all the necessary props, instruments and equipment, support and monitor young talented people, their development, results both in professional and private life.

“Podrži talenat”- kroz ovaj program nastojimo da ujedinjenim snagama podržimo i potpomognemo talentovanu decu da maksimalno iskoriste svoj talenat. Svesni smo da aktivno bavljenje bilo kojim vidom sporta, umetnosti (muzika, slikarstvo, pevanje, ples) ili nauke iziskuje mnogo novca, a i da pored enormne želje i nadarenosti nemaju sva deca uslove da to finansijski i isprate. Upravo iz tog razloga toj deci zajednički možemo da: omogućimo da budu korak bliže do ostvarenja svojih snova, omogućimo im pohađanje škola sporta, muzike i drugih umetnosti, prirodnih i društvenih nauka, omogućimo deci sve neophodne rekvizite, instrumente i opremu, podržimo i pratimo mlade talente, njihov razvoj, rezultate kako u struci tako i u privatnom životu.


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